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Thursday, October 8, 2009


I wanted to give everyone some info on what to expect if you have children and you are thinking about visiting Threshold.

First of all, be prepared to be surprised at how much fun your kids have.


They just might BEG you to take them back to church.

And, no, it's not because we bribe them with candy or hypnotize them! It's because we believe our teaching time should be FUN and ENGAGING and SAFE.

We sing and dance and shout out Bible verses. We watch silly skits that show us what NOT to do. We have been known to dress up in silly costumes to capture a child's curiosity.

We know children learn better when they are ACTIVE - so we use hand motions to memorize things. We connect the Bible to real life situations through roll play and even games.

We sing songs and pray and thank God for all He has given us. We learn to be good friends and good sisters and brothers. We laugh a lot :)

Right now our church is small. It won't always be. So from the beginning we have initiated a secure child check in system. It works like this. On the way in to the auditorium, you will see a KidVenture kiosk.

(Okay kiosk sounds fancy-shmancy. It is really a little nook in a hallway, but it works for now!) You check in your children with the KidVenture volunteer, and you and your children receive matching labels with a number code and name on it. If your child needs you during the service, your number code will appear on the screen. When you pick your child up after church, you must have your label. Or we are gonna card you. Seriously. :)

In addition, ALL of our children's volunteers have been given a back ground check to ensure the safety of our chilren. (Yes, this is Lisa, the "Preachers Wife" and yes, he did a background check on me too!! So if you want to work with children, don't be offended when we ask for a background check. It's nothing personal! And we are flat-out going to do this for the safety of the children in our care)


We have been having quite a few visitors lately, and we love it. We can't wait to see more new faces on Sunday! Wonder what to expect for adults? Read this.