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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Friend Day

Friend Day was a success! (Even though I have written nothing about the results of our inviting efforts.) Not to make more excuses for not blogging, just to let you know, I have spent some time getting in the groove for the Christmas season this week and at the same time I have the next four sermons close to the finish line. Additionally, I am aware that this Sunday has the potential to be better attended than Friend Day so that brings into play additional thoughts about how to approach the message.

So what did I think about Friend Day?

Friend day could have been a bit better in several areas (all of the shortfalls are on me) but overall it was a very good day. With 13 first time visitors and more than half committing to return, we are on the verge of some significant momentum. Our drama folks really made it easy for me to present the message and the music was the best since we started according to several folks.

What I like best is that our greeters make people want to return before they hear the message or music. That is huge, and I am so thankful for folks that are willing to volunteer every week to welcome our visitors, prepare breakfast and coffee, run sound, lights, teach children, clean the building, etc.

By the way, our upgraded refreshment station was a huge hit thanks to a generous donation of tables and chairs!!

Hope to see you this Sunday for Friend Day revisited. OK not officially, but it is acceptable to invite your friends this week too.

Don't forget we have lunch together immediately after church this Sunday... Barbeque :) No need to bring anything or make reservations. Just bring a friend and hang out!

See you then!